Monday, December 14, 2009

Our December 14th.

December 14th has unfolded a truly historic day for me, a day that will not soon be forgotten by myself nor by my wife and kids. Still overwhelmed by today’s events, I close my eyes and I can easily recreate all the emotions that were generated by this truly spectacular day. The highlight of my torch carry was definitely the tremendous support that I was given by my family, my friends, my colleagues and the beautiful public. I must say you all really came though for me. I want each and everyone of you to know that your presence whether near or far, transpired in assisting me to carry the flame. You warmed my heart and your presence was felt for the full 300 meter distance!
Today I ran and I accomplished something special, I was able to represent all of you extraordinary Canadians who showed your support whether in Cornwall or in Morrisburg, at home or at work. I am honoured to have been able to represent such great citizens!
I must also acknowledge the complete disproportionate amount of support, cheers and fanfare that the official Olympic Torch Mario Fan Club demonstrated today. WOW you guys really know how to put it on! Even the VANOC committee was impressed, they had not seen this much small town support ever! The signs, the horns, the noisemakers, the flags, the T-shirt, the smiles and cheers, easily identified all of you as the proudest supporters of any torchbearer in history.
With the kick off celebration at work, all the smiles, all best wishes and all encouraging words, there was no way anyone on the receiving end could have failed! A special mention goes out to Chantal, Emma and Émilie for being at my side and feeding my anticipation since day one. I also want to recognize a few amazing friends who made the event ever so special; thank you to Julie, Shawn, Lynn, Gilles and Émilie; you guy's truly portray the Olympic spirit! A special mention goes out to a previous Torchbearer who guided me through the whole process, I surely hope that one day I will have the chance to help a fellow Torchbearer as you helped me, thank you so much Joe.
All of you warmed my heart, filled my eyes with tears, and added a few lifelong smile wrinkles to my cheeks, but most of all you were there in body or in spirit to celebrate and to create life long memories that I will cherish for ever. These memories will endure time and become perpetual as I tell my grand children the story of my December 14th, 2009.
Thank you all so much.


  1. WOO HOO!!!! AMAZING!!!!
    (PS Thanks so much for bringing "Show and Tell" to work today Mario. What a blast!)

  2. Great pictures Mario! You looked fantastic! Love your cheering squad :)


  3. I think Zoé said it best when she said it was the best day of her life.

    Thanks for representing us so well Mario.

