Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Here are The Jewels folks!

So this picture is for all my skeptical friends who did not believe! See, I told you I was'nt dreeming.

Monday, November 23, 2009

The exitement is real!

The excitement is real. Less than a month to go and I can hardly realize just how lucky I am. I finally have tangible proof that the whole thing is not a hoax, the official Torchbearer Uniform has arrived! (You know you’re in when you got the uniform). What a beauty! This Uniform makes anyone look like an athlete, even better, it makes them feel like one! So, this baby consists of an official Olympic toque, the classic red mittens with the non slip palms (so you don’t drop the torch), the notorious white jacket with the colourful left arm and the pants (pretty snazzy). NOW: RULE NUMERO UNO: You must not wear it until the day of the relay! Easier said than done! I however, got around this clause because I only try it on frequently for extended periods of time, you know: to really make sure it fits and each time I do this it still fits! Isn’t that great! Oh yes, a message to all my buddies; Guy’s it’s kept under lock and key so there’s no way your getting at it…