Monday, November 23, 2009

The exitement is real!

The excitement is real. Less than a month to go and I can hardly realize just how lucky I am. I finally have tangible proof that the whole thing is not a hoax, the official Torchbearer Uniform has arrived! (You know you’re in when you got the uniform). What a beauty! This Uniform makes anyone look like an athlete, even better, it makes them feel like one! So, this baby consists of an official Olympic toque, the classic red mittens with the non slip palms (so you don’t drop the torch), the notorious white jacket with the colourful left arm and the pants (pretty snazzy). NOW: RULE NUMERO UNO: You must not wear it until the day of the relay! Easier said than done! I however, got around this clause because I only try it on frequently for extended periods of time, you know: to really make sure it fits and each time I do this it still fits! Isn’t that great! Oh yes, a message to all my buddies; Guy’s it’s kept under lock and key so there’s no way your getting at it…


  1. Mario,

    First congrats! I'm sure you will do fine... Great blogs - I enjoyed reading them. Can't wait to see pictures. Joanne P.


  3. Bravo Mario

    La famille (Mageau, Proulx,et tous les autres) on est fier de toi. You go boy....


  4. SO Proud of you Uncle Mario :)
    Congratulations! Your sister would be proud:)

  5. Hey, comme d'habitude, tu vas etre un beau bonhomme... Oublie pas de porter des bobettes de couleur pale! LOL

  6. I was taken by surprise when I ran into Joe, Lyne and my super Mario this week, especially by Joe's camera. I have not been able to vue the video but I can now take the time to tell you how proud I am about my Mario without being out of breath from trying to keep up with these guy's. I am extremely proud of my husband in all aspects of life, he completes me and makes every day a great one. Mario well deserves this honour, he is a caring and dedicated individual, he is always ready to give a hand. Mario is also a dedicated father, son and husband, I am very lucky to have him at my side. I think that we will grow old well together. I am and will always be is biggest supporter and I will cheer him on his big day. Monday december 14th will be a special day for him and the whole family. Emilie and Emma will be present to see their Dad carry the Olympic torch, what a experience for them. I want to take this opportunity to thank everybody who is cheering for Mario, a special thank you to Joe for everything he has done to make this journey such a memorial one. I love you Mario,you will always be my flame. your wife, Chantal XXXXX
