Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Some people I would like to thank

In making this dream come true I owe thanks to some key persons.

First I would like to thank my buddy Shawn Pilon for sending me the RBC application that won me a spot in the running "you the best P".

Secondly I would like to thank and (console) my lovely wife for helping me meet all the application deadlines and for sending her application second (had she sent hers first she would be the one pursuing her dream and writing this blog instead of me), I love you Chantal and I owe you BIG TIME!

And..Oh yes, a moucho-grando thank you to Cup-a-Joe Design for helping out with all the technical stuff and all the support that assured me that I was actually going to be a Torchbearer and that the whole thing was not a hoax! I should have known that a past 1988 Olympic Torchbearer would have had the credibility and knowledge of what was going on (it just sounded too good to be true)! Joe McNamara "you the best too".

1 comment:

  1. You totally deserve it Mario. We will all be sharing in your experience.
